Getting Home Projects Done Before the Holidays Arrive

renovating for the holidays Horizon construction

Getting Home Projects Done Before the Holidays Arrive

Are you excited for the holidays? As a home owner, you may be looking forward to it a lot. You may also be wondering how much home remodeling you can get done before the holiday season. It’s up to you to use your discretion when it comes to what to do and what to save for the new year.

You may be wanting to get a project done in order to accommodate guests so that becomes your priority. With work, home and family being part of the holidays, you have to understand which projects are necessary and which can wait.

Home projects ideally will be done before the holidays and give you some time to spare if done with timing and deadlines in mind. If you have kids coming back for the vacation and holidays, it might not be the best time to take big projects on. Keep it simple. If you think that you can do it, cool, but remodeling can be messy and even inconvenient, so keep that in mind.

What home projects can you take on that shouldn’t take too much? It varies, but check out the more manageable ones down below.

Painting your home interior.

This one is easy, as long as you can pick a shade out that you like. This is a simple project that you can easily fit in before the holidays. It’s affordable and very tough to mess up. Stay focused and this can be done in about a day.

Updating your lighting.

This home project seems easy and it is unless you need to call an electrician up (which is only realistically slightly more involving). If you’re looking to update your house in a meaningful way or just need to get rid of the lights that you have, shop online or in stores for light fixture ideas.

Bathroom renovation plans.

If your bathroom renovation is already ongoing, then pour your energy there! Set a deadline and try to get everything done by a certain time. You may be waiting on purchased items or having trouble picking a flooring or tile, but do what you can to plan out what needs to still be done and get it finished. Keep in mind that custom pieces will take longer to construct, order, and ship than a standard piece.

Install flooring early.

Get that flooring professionally installed and out of the way! Give it as much extra time as you can to get done so that if it goes over a few days, that’s okay.

Get any new appliances bought and installed as soon as possible.

There would be nothing worse than having to install a washing machine or dishwasher one or two days before a holiday! Get it done as soon as possible and then it’s smooth sailing for all home and cooking needs.

The most important thing to do is recognize how much time each project typically takes. Plan it out accordingly, and don’t try to fit too much into a short space of time. That way you can update your home and enjoy the holiday season too!